The centre would provide teaching and research inputs on Nehruvian studies; which may be interpreted to mean that the emphasis of the Centre would lie in the study of nehruvian ideas, their application and impact, the process by which these were marginalised and the means by which they may be developed to be relevant in the current scenario. Keeping this in mind, the Centre is committed to evolving into a nodal point for research on the process that have led to major changes in the polity, economy, society and culture of contemporary India. The Centre would organise activities that help build a spirit of scientific inquiry a democratic spirit and secular values in the Country.

The Nehru Studies Centre, started documenting by procuring literature on Nehru and his writings and the policies he advocated during his tenure as was full of political activity and maker of modern India and prolific writer. The centre has undertaken various studies and seminars.



Prof. G.Ramachandraiah

Dr. Y.G.Jayaram 
Hon. Faculty

Hon. Faculty

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